Nghiên cứu và phát triển

SAMWOO luôn cung cấp sản phẩm neo có chất lượng cao, đáp ứng yêu cầu của quý khách hàng bằng những kết quả nghiên cứu cải tiến phát triển không ngừng với mục tiêu trở thành công ty dẫn đầu về lĩnh vực neo tại Hàn Quốc và trên toàn thế giới.

Chúng tôi đã tiến hành nhiều nghiên cứu nhằm nâng cao công nghệ và tính năng làm việc của neo trong đất đá, do vậy, hiện nay chúng tôi sở hữu hơn 33 sáng chế trong nước và quốc tế liên quan đến neo DƯL trong đất đá.

"Load Transfer of Ground Anchors in Clay"

(Collection of Loarned Papers from Korean Gootechnical Society, Vol. 16, No. 3, P 145 - 155)

"Compressive type anchor development and performance assessment"

(Colection of Learned Papors from 2001 Spring Acadomic Forum of Korean Geotechnical Society, P339 - 346)

"Problems of general temporary anchor and improvement direction"

(Colloction of Leamed Papers from 2003 Spring Academic Forum of Korean Gootechnical Society, P 545 652)

"Study on drawing characteristics of permanent anchor

(Master's thesis, Graduate School of Engineoring. Hanyang Univ, P2 - 12)

"Development of slope reinforcement technology using compressive and distributive anchor"

(Project 2005)

"A method of SMART Anchor for a weak ground condition"

(Autumn Academic Forum of Korean Gootechnical Society, Sep. 25- 26, 2009)

"Analysis of the SMART Anchor property in a weak ground condition"

(Autumn Academic Forum of Korean Geotechnical Society, Nov. 27,2000)

"Distinctive of on-site anchor test SMART manpower removable Anchor for a weak ground condition"

(Autumn Academic Forum of Korean Socioty of Civi Engineers, Oct 21 23, 2000)

"Test results and analysis of the Load Distributive Tensile Friction Anchor removed by manpower"

(The 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Taipel, Talwan, May. 10-13, 2010)

"Study of ground anchor performance analysis by on-site test"

(The 14th Aslan Regional Conference on Sol mechanic and Geotechnical Engineoring. Hong Kong. China)

"A study on ground anchor technology for weak ground"

(Korea Association of Professional Engineers in Soil Mochanics & Foundation Engineooring / Autumn National Conference 2010, P 237 - 246)

"Numerical Analysis of Smart Anchors in Soft Clay"

(Auturmn Acadomic Forum of Korean Geotechnical Society, 2010)

"The properties of load distributive type anchor near the shore"

(Autumn Academic Forum of Korean Gootechnical Society, 2011)

"Formation of grout body with Post grouting and comparison on the performance of the Post-grouted ground anchor"

(Autumn Academic Forum of Korean Geotechnical Society, 2011)

"A case of improvement on uplift resistance anchor system using precast block"

(Autumn Acadomic Forum of Korean Gootechnical Socioty, 2012)

"A case study with load-distributive tension type anchor in very weak ground condition"

Spring Academic Forum of Korean Geotechnical Society, 20130

"Application case of ground anchor using the Post grouting method at the very weak ground"

(ALumn Academic Forum of Korean Gootechnical Society, 2013)

"A Study on The Performance Load Distributive Type Anchor in Very Weak Ground"

(Geo-synthetics Conforence Fall of Korean Goo-synthetics Society, 2014)

"Study of the Application of Load Distributive Type Anchor Using Post-Grouting"

(Autumn Academic Forum of Korean Geo-environmental Society, 2015)

"A study on the bond behavior between the grout and the strand through the laboratory test"

(Autumn Academic Forum of Korean Geotechnical Society, 2016)

"Laboratory Test on Single Bore Multiple Smart Anchors"

(Autumn Academic Forum of Korean Geotechnical Society, 2016)

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